

League CUP

July 14th 11AM Check in 10-11

Check in on site from                10:00 - 11:00am

Sit for Round 1 and Announcements 11:00am

Round 1 start time                  11:15am 

Swiss rounds will be 30 min Best of 1, 

Top Cut will be 60 min Best of 3

Deck Format: STANDARD

Cards from Standard format. Cards with “F”, "G", and “H” regulation marks will be legal to use.

Decklist is required and must be handed in by 11:00am

if you do not have your decklist in by 11:00, you will not be seated for Round 1 and will receive a round 1 loss


Every Player that stays through the last round of Swiss will receive at least 3 Play Pokemon Series 4 Pack

Additional Prizing 


1st-50 Cham points, Champion Playmat, 4 Play Pokemon Series 4 Packs from prize pool

2nd-40 Cham points, 4 Play Pokemon Series 4 Packs from prize pool

3rd/4th-32 Cham points, 4 Play Pokemon Series 4 Packs from prize pool

5th/8th - 4 Play Pokemon Series 4 Packs from prize pool (Possible Cham Points)

JR/SR  (S&V packs based on attendance)

1st-50 Cham points, Champion Playmat, Play Pokemon Series 5 Packs from prize pool

2nd-40 Cham points, Play Pokemon Series 5 Packs from prize pool

3rd/4th-32 Cham points, Play Pokemon Series 5 Packs from prize pool


League Challenge 

Date TBD